Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Number 16 - They demean "primitive" culture in the Americas

For this part of the book after the heading I could see no evidence that the British actually do demean "primative" culture, all Mr Grasse says is that as a stoneage people we were not as sophisticated as some other cultures across the globe, this is true, we weren't, but to say that Stonehenge or the Cerne Abbas giant were "shamefully useless projects" is complete rubbish, and to claim that it was only the British that did such things is a also a lie. There are over a thousand examples of stone circles In Western Europe (including the British Isles) and some as far afield as Hong Kong.

The date Mr Grasse gives at the start of this particular diatribe (200 BC) is also incorrect as nobody knows exactly when these structures were built however there are no examples dating after 1500 BC, so, I'm sorry Mr Grasse but you are at least 1300 years out. Do your research, I have.

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