Monday, July 26, 2010

Number 15 - They tried to measure and control the universe through science

This section is ignorant and arrogant to the extreme, firstly an apple did not fall on Newtons head, he observed an apple falling and this gave him the idea for his law of gravity which is still correct to this day.

Newton created the worlds first practical reflecting telescope and discovered that white light is in fact composed of all the colours of the spectrum.

Micheal H. Hart (a Jewish American astrophysicist) wrote a book listing the top 100 most influential persons in history. Newton came second behind Muhammad and in front of Jesus, Buddah and Confucious.

Newton was, and indeed still is one of the greatest scientists ever, just ask any scientist.

Number 14 - They took the Christ out of Christianity

Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's first wife was not sterile, in fact she gave birth to at least 5 children (only one survived into adulthood) and was pregnant many more times than that, she and Henry were married for 20 years before Henry applied to the Pope to have the marriage annulled. He was originally granted the annulment by the Archbishop of Canterbury (the Pope's representative in Britain) on the grounds that Catherine was originally Henry's sister-in-law,and therefore the marriage was illegal, the Pope however refused, but this was more likely because he was scared of Catherine's nephew (the holy Roman Emperor Charles V), but by that time it was too late and Henry had married Anne Boleyn, so rather than face a long legal battle he probably would not win he decided to separate Britain from the Roman Catholic Church and created the Church of England.
Anne Boleyn was not "bulldog-faced" at all, in fact by all accounts she was a very attractive and well educated woman (perhaps too attractive as this is what led to her demise).
As for the fact that the Anglican Church (really called the Church of England) is still around 500 years later, this is true, but, where did Mormonism start? Or for that matter Jehovah's Witnesses? That's right once again, America!

Number 13 - They support piracy

Mr Grasse starts this section by saying "well not piracy exactly" so in other words the British don't support piracy! Make your mind up Mr Grasse.

In actual fact the basis of this argument is that Queen Elizabeth (the first - just to let you know Mr Grasse, as you left that bit of information out) issued a "letter of marque" to certain sailors, let me just say that this is completely true, it did happen (but then so did just about every other seafaring country in the world).

A letter of marque is now illegal in all but one country, can you guess which one? That's right America, as it is written into the Constitution.