Personally I think you can get all the information you need about Rimbaud by looking at his publicity photo HERE, sitting stark naked,on a bin as if having a crap, lovely.
Within the text from the foreword he claims that every true blue-blooded Englander is easy to spot because he has a shaved head, gold earrings and a football shirt or they are part of the collar and tie brigade, well I, for one do not consider myself a "blue-blooded Englander" I consider myself a patriotic British citizen, it is true I have a shaved head but that is because my hair started to fall out and rather than try to hide it, I shaved it (in the same way Mr Grasse has looking at his publicity photo on the same page as before). I don't have any piercings nor do I own a football shirt, and I only wear a collar and tie to social functions such as weddings.
Mr Rimbauld also states that "Britain" as we know it has become what it is because it has been repeatedly invaded by amongst others the Romans, the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. This is certainly true so why are the "English" to blame? Why not the nations who invaded us?
The "British Empire" that Mr Rimbauld keeps going on (and on and on) about no longer exists, we have seen the error of our ways in much the same way that the Spanish and the Russians have, we no longer want to rule over the other nations, let them do that themselves, that dear reader is called democracy.
Throughout this anti British rant he keeps talking about his father and the war he fought in, well Mr Rimbaud that was over 50 years ago, my grandfather fought in the second world war, although he never talked about it, which was down to the fact he witnessed so many deaths that it permanantly scarred him for life, Mr Rimbaud's father was either made of sterner stuff, or more likely never saw action.
As I said at the start of this post, look at the photo of Mr Rimbaud again, maybe he is working on the next instalment of his racist tirade, SPLASH! There it is now.
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